Eligible to apply in the Postgraduate Program “Comparative Literature in the Black Sea Region” are holders of an academic title of the first cycle of studies of faculties and departments of humanities from domestic universities or foreign institutions abroad.
A master’s degree is not awarded to students with degree(s) from a foreign institution, when their degree has not been accredited by the Hellenic National Recognition and Information Centre (ΔΟΑΤΑΠ) according to Law 3328/2005 (A ’80). Applications and the required certificates are submitted to ΔΟΑΤΑΠ by the Department organizing the Postgraduate Program. ΔΟΑΤΑΠ decides within an exclusive period of sixty (60) days after the submission of the file(s) completed (par. 5 article 101 Government Gazette A 102).
Criteria and selection procedure
Ι. Announcement of the Postgraduate Program
The Department, on dates set by the Department Council, announces student places with an open procedure for the admission of graduates to the Postgraduate Program.
The announcement states the admission requirements, the categories of graduates and the number of entrants, the admission method, the selection criteria, etc., the application deadlines as well as the required certificates.
The written examinations take place in the second or third week of January. The content of the examination and the grading system are described in the announcement.
The applications together with the necessary supporting documents are sent by post to the Secretariat of the Department in printed form (Department of Languages, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea Countries, Postgraduate Program “Comparative Literature in the Black Sea Region”, Panagi Tsaldari 1, Building B, 69100 Komotini).
ΙΙ. Selection criteria
Selection prerequisite for admission to the Postgraduate Program “Comparative Literature in the Black Region” is very good knowledge (at least level C1) of a Black Sea language other than Greek (Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Turkish) as well as basic knowledge on comparative literature. Very good knowledge of the Black Sea language and knowledge on comparative literature are certified by means of examinations carried out under the responsibility of the Selection Committee (at least 5 points on a scale of 10). Applicants whose mother tongue is one of these four languages are exempt from being examined in the language in question. The very good knowledge of the Greek language by foreign candidates is ascertained by the examination in the subject of comparative literature. The minimum passing grade is 5. Candidates who have received the base grade of 5 and above in every one of the two courses, both the Black Sea language as well as comparative literature, will be additionally evaluated for final selection based on the following criteria:
- Degree Grade Point Average must be at least 6.5 and above (10%). In the case of two or more degrees, the average of the degrees is taken into account.
- Grades of those underground courses which go along with the specialization of the Postgraduate Program (courses of philological specialization) are added and divided by four (30%).
- Any research and / or writing activity [publishing of scientific articles, essays, scientific books, dissertation, participation in research projects, etc.] (10%),
- Knowledge of English at B2 level at least (15%).
- Knowledge of a second foreign language (French or German) at a level of at least B2 (10%).
- Oral interview (25%). One of the main purposes of the interview is to check the literary and linguistic knowledge level of the candidates.
III. Selection process
- The Selection Committee first draws up a complete list of the applicants.
- Rejects candidates who do not meet the minimum formal criteria.
- Invites candidates to sit for written exams in the second or third week of January so as to certify proficiency in the Black Sea language and basic knowledge on comparative literature.
- Invites candidates who have successfully passed the exams to an interview. The interview is conducted by the members of the relevant Selection Committee.
- Puts the candidates on a scale and makes the final selection.
- Creates the final selection list. The final list with the names of accepted candidates is validated by the Department Council and is posted on the bulletin board of the Secretariat and on the website of the Department.
- Candidates with equal marking grade for the last admission place are all admitted.